"Holliger is in top form, confronting the challenges as if they were child's play and capturing the spirit and the letter of the music as only he can . . . The support offered by the Camerata Bern and the Munich Chamber Orchestra is excellent and strong, with admirable pacing, precise ensemble, fine intonation, and splendid leadership . . . these recordings were nothing short of "must haves". While -- in the intervening years -- performance practices have encountered emendation and musical aesthetics have been altered, the immense musical and artistic value of these performances still holds." --Fanfare, July 2004
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Lebrun Ludwig August
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Lebrun: Oboe concertos
Lebrun: Oboe concertos
Category → Lebrun: Oboe concertos » Lebrun Ludwig August , Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus , NUEVO » CLASSIC JAZZ